THE Rural Libraries Resources Development Project (RLRDP) has signed a memorandum of understating (MoU) with Farnebo, a Swedish organisation, to increase the engagement between ordinary people in terms of rural libraries.
The MoU was signed during the RLRDP Secretary General, Mr Obadiah Moyo's visit to Sweden.
Mr Moyo said the MoU will cover a number of areas.
"At all the meetings, staff and students highlighted the importance of engaging ordinary Swedes and Zimbabweans in areas of exchange visits and support to rural libraries," he said.
Mr Moyo said it was also agreed that RLRDP and Farnebo partner in the strengthening of RLRDP member libraries through training workshops and provision of library and learning material.
The Secretary General, however said, the most important thing is that RLRDP will also get a chance to influence the establishment of libraries in the region.
"RLRDP is expected to further assist Farnebo in the establishment and development of rural libraries in Tanzania through an organization called Karibu-Tanzania in association with the Tanzania Association of Folk Development Colleges," Mr Moyo said.
He said joint workshops and exchange visits will be held involving Zimbabweans and Tanzanians.
Mr Moyo visited Sweden between 9 and 25 October 2009.
Farnebo Folk High School, a sister organisation of RLRDP since the founding of RLRDP in 1990, facilitated Mr Moyo's visit.
"The purpose of the visit was to discuss RLRDP - Farnebo relationship and to explore new ways of co-operation between the two organisations," Mr Moyo said. "The visit was also meant to expose RLRDP to donor organisations based in Sweden and Europe, which RLRDP could access for possible partnership."
Farnebo Folk High School designs and promotes study courses to Africa and Latin America.
Mr Moyo said some of the courses that link theory to practice centre on issues dealing with democracy, human rights, gender, and the environment.
"The studies link with grassroots people's experiences in the focus study countries," the Secretary General said.
Between 1986 and 1996 Farnebo held study courses focusing on Zimbabwe where each course made a three-month study visit to Zimbabwe.
Mr Moyo has been link person and Zimbabwe coordinator for almost all the courses to Zimbabwe.
Two staff members from Farnebo, Mr Paul Carlsson and Pal Irestad were attached to RLRDP's outreach programmes in Nyanga and Nkayi districts, from 1994 to 1996